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Bringing the Western Blot into the 21st Century with Automated Simple Western: A Customer’s Perspective

Now Available On-Demand

The Western blot remains ubiquitous despite many challenges, including poor quantitation, high variability, sample volume, time, and labor requirements. Westerns are an unavoidable necessity in life science research... Or are they?

In this two-part webinar, you’ll meet Jess: a fast, reliable, and hands-free Western Blot automation solution, then see results and learnings from an ongoing Western blot assay transfer project at Cell Signaling Technology® (CST) that validated dozens of high-quality antibodies for the Jess platform.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore Simple Western automated instruments, workflows, tips and tricks.
  • Understand the process for transferring Western blot assays to Simple Western.
  • Throughput tips, and results of screening over 100 CST antibodies on Jess system.
  • Get an overview of the CST-Bio-Techne partnership bringing high-quality CST antibodies to Simple Western.

Join Dr. Chris Heger from ProteinSimple/Bio-Techne and Dr. Chris LaBreck from CST as they share applications, tips and tricks from years of combined experience working with western blots and Simple Western, see what’s next for this ongoing partnership, and how 21st century Westerns can transform your workflows.


Chris LaBreck, Ph.D.
Chris LaBreck, Ph.D.
Senior Product Scientist
Cell Signaling Technology
Chris Heger, Ph.D.
Chris Heger, Ph.D.
Director - Applications Science
ProteinSimple, a Bio-Techne Brand
Bio-Techne Webinar

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