Trade up Your Sally Sue or Peggy Sue & Save

Trade up your Peggy Sue or Sally Sue System for the new Leo System and maximize throughput and process more samples in a day.

  • Leo processes up to 100 samples in just 3 hours, 5X faster than Peggy Sue or Sally Sue Systems, and you keep the ability to detect up to 8 targets from just 3–5 µL of sample.
  • Use the RePlex™ Module, an automated stripping and re-probing replacement, to run two immunoassays in series or run an immunoassay followed by total protein detection for more accurate protein expression normalization.
  • Plus, resample up to 4 times from the same well for analysis in independent capillaries, thus avoiding any concerns about antibody cross reactivity. Speed up your Simple Western method development and optimization with Leo.

*This offer is available to customers in North America and Europe.
Complete this short form to upgrade your Peggy Sue or Sally Sue to Leo!
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